Ebook Recommender System

In this tutorial, we will implement a recommender system for ebooks, based on the similarity between users.

The objective of the project is to find out how a recommendation system works and to implement it on a Spark environment, with PySpark.

The data comes from the Amazon Kindle Store. We used a formatted version made available by a professor of the University of California San Diego. It can be downloaded from this page (Section Files > Kindle Store > 5-core). The dataset contains 980,000 reviews with each user and ebook associated with at least 5 reviews.

Init SparkSession

import math
import findspark
import numpy as np
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
from pyspark.sql import SQLContext
from pyspark.sql.functions import *
from pyspark.sql.types import *
from pyspark.sql import functions as F

spark = SparkSession.builder.master("local[*]").getOrCreate()

I- Data preparation

1/ Data loading

json = spark.read.json("./data/reviews_Kindle_Store_5.json.gz")
print("Number of rows:", json.count())
Number of rows: 982619
|      asin|helpful|overall|          reviewText| reviewTime|    reviewerID|        reviewerName|             summary|unixReviewTime|
|B000F83SZQ| [0, 0]|    5.0|I enjoy vintage b...| 05 5, 2014|A1F6404F1VG29J|          Avidreader|  Nice vintage story|    1399248000|
|B000F83SZQ| [2, 2]|    4.0|This book is a re...| 01 6, 2014| AN0N05A9LIJEQ|            critters|        Different...|    1388966400|
|B000F83SZQ| [2, 2]|    4.0|This was a fairly...| 04 4, 2014| A795DMNCJILA6|                 dot|               Oldie|    1396569600|
|B000F83SZQ| [1, 1]|    5.0|I'd never read an...|02 19, 2014|A1FV0SX13TWVXQ|Elaine H. Turley ...|  I really liked it.|    1392768000|
|B000F83SZQ| [0, 1]|    4.0|If you like perio...|03 19, 2014|A3SPTOKDG7WBLN|  Father Dowling Fan|      Period Mystery|    1395187200|
|B000F83SZQ| [0, 0]|    4.0|A beautiful in-de...|05 26, 2014|A1RK2OCZDSGC6R|    ubavka seirovska|              Review|    1401062400|
|B000F83SZQ| [0, 0]|    4.0|I enjoyed this on...|06 10, 2014|A2HSAKHC3IBRE6|            Wolfmist|Nice old fashione...|    1402358400|
|B000F83SZQ| [1, 1]|    4.0|Never heard of Am...|03 22, 2014|A3DE6XGZ2EPADS|                 WPY|Enjoyable reading...|    1395446400|
|B000FA64PA| [0, 0]|    5.0|Darth Maul workin...|10 11, 2013|A1UG4Q4D3OAH3A|                 dsa|          Darth Maul|    1381449600|
|B000FA64PA| [0, 0]|    4.0|This is a short s...|02 13, 2011| AQZH7YTWQPOBE|            Enjolras|Not bad, not exce...|    1297555200|
only showing top 10 rows

We keep 3 columns: user id, ebook id and rating.

data = json.select("reviewerID", "asin", "overall")
|    reviewerID|      asin|overall|
|A1F6404F1VG29J|B000F83SZQ|    5.0|
| AN0N05A9LIJEQ|B000F83SZQ|    4.0|
| A795DMNCJILA6|B000F83SZQ|    4.0|
|A1FV0SX13TWVXQ|B000F83SZQ|    5.0|
|A3SPTOKDG7WBLN|B000F83SZQ|    4.0|
|A1RK2OCZDSGC6R|B000F83SZQ|    4.0|
|A2HSAKHC3IBRE6|B000F83SZQ|    4.0|
|A3DE6XGZ2EPADS|B000F83SZQ|    4.0|
|A1UG4Q4D3OAH3A|B000FA64PA|    5.0|
| AQZH7YTWQPOBE|B000FA64PA|    4.0|
only showing top 10 rows

2/ Data reduction

The number of data makes the calculations slow on Spark locally so we choose to reduce the number. We can later use the initial data by skipping these code portions.

We remove the users who gave few ratings:

treshold = 20
small_users = data.groupby('reviewerID').count().filter(col("count") < treshold)
print("Number of reviewers who rated less than ", treshold, " ebooks: ", small_users.count())
data = data.join(small_users, "reviewerID", "left_anti")
print("New number of ratings:", data.count())
Number of reviewers who rated less than  20  ebooks:  57625
New number of ratings: 507714

We remove the ebooks with the fewest ratings:

rare_ebooks = data.groupby('asin').count().filter(col("count") < treshold)
print("Number of ebooks with less than ", treshold, " ratings: ", rare_ebooks.count())
data = data.join(rare_ebooks, "asin", "left_anti")
print("New number of ratings:", data.count())
Number of ebooks with less than  20  ratings:  55515
New number of ratings: 170739

Data remaining:

nb_reviewers = data.select("reviewerID").distinct().count()
print("Number of ratings: ", data.count())
print("Number of ebooks:", data.select("asin").distinct().count())
print("Number of reviewers:", nb_reviewers)
Number of ratings:  170739
Number of ebooks: 4825
Number of reviewers: 10163

II- Recommender system based on similarities among users

1/ Data formatting

We create the dataframe userRatings with 2 columns: reviewerID and ratings:

# Create the dataframe userRatings with 2 cols: "reviewerID" and "ratings" (the list of the ebooks the user rated and the rating)
userRatings = data.withColumn("rates", struct("asin", "overall")).groupby("reviewerID").agg(F.collect_list("rates").alias("ratings"))
|    reviewerID|             ratings|
|A1F0DP938FCEEW|[[B00H0V069M, 5.0...|
|A2TNY4OUWVTJ0F|[[B00FFLU4LE, 2.0...|
|A1CNQTCRQ35IMM|[[B00G8U2O0U, 3.0...|
|A1NLWXTRON9H0P|[[B00HCT48DM, 5.0...|
|A3PN9XIW1I85MG|[[B00EDDC0NK, 5.0...|
only showing top 5 rows

We compute the number of ratings per user:

def count_ratings(x):
    """ Return the number of ratings given by a user """
    return int(len(x))

udf_count_ratings = udf(count_ratings, IntegerType())

userRatings = userRatings.withColumn("number_ratings", udf_count_ratings("ratings"))
userRatings = userRatings.orderBy("number_ratings", ascending=False)
|    reviewerID|             ratings|number_ratings|
|A1JLU5H1CCENWX|[[B00FFLU4LE, 5.0...|           441|
| A2YJ8VP1SSHJ7|[[B007YN8IGE, 5.0...|           307|
|A3IQ0P3M39IY8U|[[B008LX70HE, 5.0...|           231|
| ALY4MQYVAEE4U|[[B00H0V069M, 5.0...|           219|
|A2VXSQHJWZAQGY|[[B00EBSOLFW, 3.0...|           185|
|A1ENV91MFAEVA3|[[B00H0V069M, 5.0...|           184|
| AW4NFCPN81CS3|[[B00FKERXXS, 4.0...|           174|
|A3KBRXW4PKK2MT|[[B00HCMZZQ8, 5.0...|           174|
|A3U41P3MHAEXYU|[[B00FFLU4LE, 3.0...|           173|
|A1JKGTL51HHTU1|[[B00COU1A7G, 4.0...|           171|
only showing top 10 rows
 |-- reviewerID: string (nullable = true)
 |-- ratings: array (nullable = true)
 |    |-- element: struct (containsNull = true)
 |    |    |-- asin: string (nullable = true)
 |    |    |-- overall: double (nullable = true)
 |-- number_ratings: integer (nullable = true)

2/ Preparation of a reference user and count of similarities

In this part we calculate a similarity coefficient between each user and a reference user (user Y).

First, we prepare the data of the user Y:

from itertools import chain

def ratings_of_one_user(reviewerID):
    """ List the ebooks and associated ratings given by the user with the id reviewerID. Returns a column containing a dict: {"bookID": "rating"}"""
    user = userRatings.where(col("reviewerID") == reviewerID)
    ratings = user.collect()[0].ratings

    user_ratings = dict()
    for item in ratings:
        user_ratings[item.asin] = item.overall

    col_user_ratings = create_map([lit(x) for x in chain(*user_ratings.items())])
    return col_user_ratings

user_Y_ratings = ratings_of_one_user(USER_Y)

We compute the number of common rated ebooks between user x and user y:

def count_simil(x, y1):
    """ Count the number of common rated ebooks between user x and user y"""
    # Changement de format des données
    x = [i for i in x]
    x1 = dict()
    for item in x:
        x1[item.asin] = item.overall

    # common: livres notés en commun
    common = x1.keys() & y1.keys()
    return len(common)
udf_count_simil = udf(count_simil, IntegerType())

userRatings = userRatings.withColumn('common_ratings', udf_count_simil('ratings', user_Y_ratings))
userRatings = userRatings.orderBy("common_ratings", ascending=False)
|    reviewerID|             ratings|number_ratings|common_ratings|
|A1JLU5H1CCENWX|[[B00FFLU4LE, 5.0...|           441|           441|
|A1ENV91MFAEVA3|[[B00H0V069M, 5.0...|           184|            61|
| ALY4MQYVAEE4U|[[B00H0V069M, 5.0...|           219|            52|
|A3KM84RAZA7XXC|[[B00H0V069M, 5.0...|           157|            49|
|A1O5BMIWBH4OG2|[[B00FMHPXFS, 5.0...|           124|            40|
|A21HD9GWN5OHDZ|[[B00HCMZZQ8, 5.0...|            71|            38|
|A3361XGKYF17S3|[[B00FFLU4LE, 5.0...|           115|            38|
|A2RYT2UPEQXUAV|[[B00H0V069M, 5.0...|           129|            38|
|A3JCJ0PRFLNHYP|[[B00GNRGP2G, 5.0...|           115|            35|
|A1HAX9F7HY0D5V|[[B00IGGCCUQ, 4.0...|           125|            35|
only showing top 10 rows

3/ Compute similarities

We compute the similarity between each user and user Y. A high similarity means a near opinion on rated ebooks. A negative similarity means a global opposite opinion. We compute the similarity with the following formula:

Let x and y be two users. We note:
rated the set of ebooks rated by both users x and y
ratX the ratings of x on those ebooks
ratY the ratings of y on those ebooks
We then define the similarity between users x and y as:

$simil(x, y) = \frac{\sum_{m \in rated}(rating(x, m) - mean(ratX)) \times rating(y, m) - mean(ratY))} {(variance(ratX) \times variance(ratY))^{0.5}} \times log(1 + rated)$

The similarity is based on Pearson correlation coefficient modified to take into account the number of rated items (the $log(1 + rated)$ factor avoids spurious correlations). Note that for true recommendations we set $simil(x, x) = 0$ so that our recommendation system is not polluted by auto recommendation.

def compute_simil(x, y1):
    """ Compute similarity between user x and y (negative simil means a global opposite opinion) """
    # Data formatting
    x = [i for i in x]
    x1 = dict()
    for item in x:
        x1[item.asin] = item.overall
    # We only keep ebooks in common
    common = x1.keys() & y1.keys()
    x_ratings = [x1[c] for c in common]
    y_ratings = [y1[c] for c in common]
    if len(common) == 0:
        return 0.0

    # Computation of the average score and the variance for each user
    x_mean = np.mean(x_ratings)
    y_mean = np.mean(y_ratings)
    x_var = np.var(x_ratings) * len(x_ratings) 
    y_var = np.var(y_ratings) * len(y_ratings)
    if x_var * y_var == 0:
        return 0.0
    # Computation of similarity
    tmp = 0
    for i in range(len(x_ratings)):
        tmp += (x_ratings[i] - x_mean) * (y_ratings[i] - y_mean)
    return float(math.log(len(common)+1)*tmp / ((x_var * y_var)**0.5))
udf_compute_simil = udf(compute_simil, DoubleType())

userRatings = userRatings.withColumn('simil', udf_compute_simil('ratings', user_Y_ratings))
# We put the similarity of user Y with himself to 0
userRatings = userRatings.withColumn('simil', when(col("reviewerID") == USER_Y, 0.0).otherwise(col("simil")))
userRatings = userRatings.orderBy("simil", ascending=False)
|    reviewerID|             ratings|number_ratings|common_ratings|             simil|
|A1WBGIL46NUFFU|[[B00H0V069M, 5.0...|            39|            13|2.4904821780308013|
|A3BZXCM7XQ7XHN|[[B00G8U2O0U, 5.0...|            32|            10|2.3978952727983707|
|A163XZU3HM4EHV|[[B00K9V2OPE, 5.0...|            49|             9| 2.302585092994046|
|A3OJ7P6FIV88E4|[[B00H0V069M, 5.0...|            57|            25|2.2553152042016666|
|A34F4IHXZYZ7KS|[[B00JLTRZ18, 5.0...|            29|            11|2.2013280290078576|
| A9FCO8RDJVABW|[[B00EPZUSYY, 5.0...|            59|            13| 2.158518984518651|
| ADR7NQOEU8OFL|[[B00IVSF77Y, 5.0...|            26|             7|2.0794415416798357|
|A1XA4BJ23AVBT7|[[B00G7RAM5I, 5.0...|            58|             7|2.0794415416798357|
|A3JEN29PPBLJ9P|[[B0091YHBNA, 4.0...|            12|             7|2.0794415416798353|
|A103KWX1QFCG6I|[[B00F8F3JZK, 4.0...|            32|            14| 2.059031220704651|
only showing top 10 rows

We display the statistics on the similarity coefficient (means, etc.):

|summary|               simil|
|  count|               10163|
|   mean|0.008626206332236635|
| stddev|  0.2320390597097268|
|    min| -1.7917594692280552|
|    max|  2.4904821780308013|

4/ Ebook recommendations for user Y

In this part we recommend ebooks to user Y from the ratings given by the other users and the similarity coefficients with these users. To do this we calculate a score (grade) for each ebook, which permits to rank them.

Data formatting

ebookRatings = data.join(userRatings, on="reviewerID").select("reviewerID", "asin", "overall", "simil").orderBy('simil', ascending=False)
|    reviewerID|      asin|overall|             simil|
|A1WBGIL46NUFFU|B00KC8Q522|    5.0|2.4904821780308013|
|A1WBGIL46NUFFU|B00GT6651C|    4.0|2.4904821780308013|
|A1WBGIL46NUFFU|B00JXWO17O|    3.0|2.4904821780308013|
|A1WBGIL46NUFFU|B00JKW0680|    5.0|2.4904821780308013|
|A1WBGIL46NUFFU|B00IO545WM|    4.0|2.4904821780308013|
|A1WBGIL46NUFFU|B00AR49H2Q|    5.0|2.4904821780308013|
|A1WBGIL46NUFFU|B00JLTRZ18|    4.0|2.4904821780308013|
|A1WBGIL46NUFFU|B00JMSXEZE|    5.0|2.4904821780308013|
|A1WBGIL46NUFFU|B00G8U2O0U|    5.0|2.4904821780308013|
|A1WBGIL46NUFFU|B00H0V069M|    5.0|2.4904821780308013|
only showing top 10 rows

We prepare the data for the computation of the grade:

# We group for each ebook, in the ratings column, the user ids, the ratings and the similarity coefficient of each user who rated the ebook
ebookRatings = ebookRatings.withColumn("rates", struct("reviewerID", "overall", "simil")).groupby("asin").agg(F.collect_list("rates").alias("ratings"))
print("Number of ebook to rank: ", ebookRatings.count())
Number of ebook to rank:  4825
|      asin|             ratings|
|B00H0V069M|[[AXM5ZEK9I7CWL, ...|
|B008LX70HE|[[AM4XZBQH36O2M, ...|
only showing top 10 rows

Grade calculation for each ebook

The recommendation grade of an ebook $k$ for user 1 will be the average of ratings by other users ponderated by similarities between users. As in section 4.6, we don’t want this list polluted by averages computed over very few values therefore, in practice we compute the following value :

$grade(k) = \frac{\sum_{x \in rated(x)}rating(x, k) \times simil(x, 1)} {\alpha + \sum_{x \in rated(x)} simil(x, 1)}$

where $\alpha \approx 0.5$ is the average value of $simil(x, 1)$.

def compute_grade(x):
    """ Compute the grade of an ebook for user Y, based on the simil with the other users """
    # Reshape data
    x = [i for i in x]
    x1 = dict()
    res = 0
    for item in x:
        res += item.overall * item.simil
    dist = 0
    for item in x:
        dist +=  item.simil
    return res / (0.5 + dist)

udf_compute_grade = udf(compute_grade, DoubleType())

ebookRatings2 = ebookRatings.withColumn('grade', udf_compute_grade('ratings'))
ebookRatings2 = ebookRatings2.orderBy('grade', ascending=False)
|      asin|             ratings|             grade|
|B0085WGUMM|[[A1K4S4MWXI9E9M,...| 8415.059040796705|
|B00DRF28C8|[[AM4XZBQH36O2M, ...| 705.5860918183162|
|B00HCMAUIQ|[[AI0FBRMXX4R8C, ...|  516.687758855012|
|B00DGYKVWE|[[A17J3U3XOZ5A4B,...| 466.5753370443711|
|B00AP7Z27Y|[[A06120993HKK17S...| 462.3666351681521|
|B007QTTKZY|[[A3OC8ZG1S3OAVA,...| 373.1287822397704|
|B00DJF2862|[[A2SMHIVHZGSLNF,...| 289.8320493912405|
only showing top 10 rows

The distribution of the scores is displayed with a histogram:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

bins, counts = ebookRatings2.select('grade').rdd.flatMap(lambda x: x).histogram(20)
plt.hist(bins[:-1], bins=bins, weights=counts)


Scores are concentrated around 0, which means that many ebooks are considered “moderately” relevant to the user. This is explained by the strong sparse nature of the data matrix; user Y has a similarity coefficient of 0 with many users and some ebooks are rated only by these users. This phenomenon is not a problem if we consider the fact of recommending only the most relevant ebooks (the first 10 for example).

Deletion of ebooks already rated by the user

We remove from the list of recommendations the ebooks already rated by the user Y, and we sort the final list.

# data_user_Y: list of ebooks rated by the user
data_user_Y = data.filter(col("reviewerID") == USER_Y)
ebookRatings3 = ebookRatings2.join(data_user_Y, "asin", "left_anti") \
                             .orderBy('grade', ascending=False)
|      asin|             ratings|             grade|
|B0085WGUMM|[[A1K4S4MWXI9E9M,...| 8415.059040796705|
|B00DRF28C8|[[AM4XZBQH36O2M, ...| 705.5860918183162|
|B00DGYKVWE|[[A17J3U3XOZ5A4B,...| 466.5753370443711|
|B00AP7Z27Y|[[A06120993HKK17S...| 462.3666351681521|
|B007QTTKZY|[[A3OC8ZG1S3OAVA,...| 373.1287822397704|
|B00A43ZQI4|[[AM4XZBQH36O2M, ...| 157.4631797450386|
only showing top 10 rows

Here is the list of the 20 most recommended ebooks for the user Y. The first one is Heart of the Warrior by Donya Lynne (from the Kindle store).

Comparison of user ratings with recommendations

We now display only the ebooks already rated by user Y, to check if the user has given a good rating to the ebooks we recommend.

data_user_Y = data.filter(col("reviewerID") == USER_Y)
ebookRatings4 = ebookRatings2.join(data_user_Y, "asin", "inner") \
                              .select("asin", "ratings", "grade", "overall") \
                              .orderBy('grade', ascending=False)
print("Number of ebooks rated by the user Y: ", ebookRatings4.count())
Number of ebooks rated by the user Y:  441
|      asin|             ratings|             grade|overall|
|B00CK8CKZS|[[A179INWJ0ZLOB4,...|1482.2542559020508|    5.0|
|B00HCMAUIQ|[[AI0FBRMXX4R8C, ...|  516.687758855012|    5.0|
|B00DJF2862|[[A2SMHIVHZGSLNF,...| 289.8320493912405|    5.0|
|B00AXHNFJS|[[A3361XGKYF17S3,...|131.73899927758555|    5.0|
|B00HFUJPO0|[[A3KM84RAZA7XXC,...| 74.61728194970675|    5.0|
|B00DIGN4JC|[[A135NSTCX38DEI,...| 73.22160723880764|    5.0|
|B00IH35OY4|[[AI0FBRMXX4R8C, ...| 65.41453296775954|    5.0|
|B00AV8SY7C|[[A26GE9ZG68SKIQ,...| 38.33462077189433|    5.0|
|B00EWTJJWA|[[A2J36T6J3GWT6O,...|37.174489416520494|    5.0|
|B00H59M0NE|[[A24J97BN1RW91Q,...| 33.58156454551203|    4.0|
only showing top 10 rows

We display the distribution of the ratings assigned by the user for the first 100 recommended ebooks:

|    5.0|   87|
|    4.0|   11|
|    3.0|    2|

The user attributed overall good ratings to the ebooks we recommend for him.

5/ Comparison of similarities between users

In this part we will calculate the similarity of each user with not one but 10 reference users, and see if the users have the most similarity with always the same reference user or not.

userRatings2 = userRatings
for index, user in enumerate(users):
    user_Y_ratings = ratings_of_one_user(user) 
    col_name = "simil_" + str(index + 1)
    userRatings2 = userRatings2.withColumn(col_name, udf_compute_simil('ratings', user_Y_ratings))
    # We set the similarity of user Y with himself to 0
    userRatings2 = userRatings2.withColumn(col_name, when(col("reviewerID") == user, 0.0).otherwise(col(col_name)))
    col_name = "common_" + str(index + 1)
    userRatings2 = userRatings2.withColumn(col_name, udf_count_simil('ratings', user_Y_ratings))
|    reviewerID|             ratings|number_ratings|common_ratings|             simil|             simil_1|common_1|            simil_2|common_2|             simil_3|common_3|            simil_4|common_4|simil_5|common_5|             simil_6|common_6|            simil_7|common_7|             simil_8|common_8|            simil_9|common_9|
|A1WBGIL46NUFFU|[[B00H0V069M, 5.0...|            39|            13|2.4904821780308013|                 0.0|       0|                0.0|       0|  -1.138957039391365|       7|                0.0|       0|    0.0|       6|                 0.0|       3|                0.0|       1|                 0.0|       5|                0.0|       4|
|A3BZXCM7XQ7XHN|[[B00G8U2O0U, 5.0...|            32|            10|2.3978952727983707|                 0.0|       0|                0.0|       0|                 0.0|       4|                0.0|       0|    0.0|       4|                 0.0|       4|                0.0|       0|                 0.0|       7|                0.0|       1|
|A163XZU3HM4EHV|[[B00K9V2OPE, 5.0...|            49|             9| 2.302585092994046|                 0.0|       0|                0.0|       1|                 0.0|       7|                0.0|       0|    0.0|       3|                 0.0|       1|                0.0|       2|                 0.0|       0|                0.0|       5|
|A3OJ7P6FIV88E4|[[B00H0V069M, 5.0...|            57|            25|2.2553152042016666|                 0.0|       1| 1.0986122886681098|       2|  2.0666494875152077|      15|                0.0|       1|    0.0|      10|                 0.0|       6|                0.0|       3|                 0.0|       1|                0.0|       2|
|A34F4IHXZYZ7KS|[[B00JLTRZ18, 5.0...|            29|            11|2.2013280290078576|                 0.0|       0|                0.0|       0| -0.2878231366242557|       9|                0.0|       2|    0.0|       6|                 0.0|       1|                0.0|       1|                 0.0|       2|                0.0|       2|
| A9FCO8RDJVABW|[[B00EPZUSYY, 5.0...|            59|            13| 2.158518984518651|                 0.0|       2|                0.0|       2| -1.2039146892625188|      12|                0.0|       1|    0.0|       6|  0.3000809870099112|      11|                0.0|       1| 0.19538707650830725|       9|-0.6719098009605208|       5|
|A1XA4BJ23AVBT7|[[B00G7RAM5I, 5.0...|            58|             7|2.0794415416798357|                 0.0|      11|                0.0|       4|                 0.0|       5|                0.0|       2|    0.0|       0|                 0.0|       1| 1.2307016386105076|       6|                 0.0|       1|                0.0|       1|
| ADR7NQOEU8OFL|[[B00IVSF77Y, 5.0...|            26|             7|2.0794415416798357|                 0.0|       0|                0.0|       0|                 0.0|       2|                0.0|       1|    0.0|       7|                 0.0|       1|                0.0|       0|                 0.0|       0|                0.0|       1|
|A3JEN29PPBLJ9P|[[B0091YHBNA, 4.0...|            12|             7|2.0794415416798353|                 0.0|       0|                0.0|       0|                 0.0|       0|                0.0|       0|    0.0|       0|                 0.0|       0|                0.0|       0|                 0.0|       0|                0.0|       0|
|A103KWX1QFCG6I|[[B00F8F3JZK, 4.0...|            32|            14| 2.059031220704651|                 0.0|       1|                0.0|       1|                 0.0|       2|                0.0|       0|    0.0|       4|                 0.0|       1| 0.4479398673070139|       5|                 0.0|       1|                0.0|       3|
only showing top 10 rows

We calculate for each user, with which reference user among the 10 he has the best similarity coefficient. We store it in the column nearest_user:

def compute_nearest(x, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9):
    x_list = [x, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9]
    x_max = np.max(x_list)
    if (x_max == 0):
        return -2
    elif (x_list.count(x_max) > 1):
        return -1
        return x_list.index(x_max)

udf_compute_nearest = udf(compute_nearest, IntegerType())

userRatings2 = userRatings2.withColumn('nearest_user', udf_compute_nearest('simil', 'simil_1', 'simil_2', 'simil_3', 'simil_4', 'simil_5', 'simil_6', 'simil_7', 'simil_8', 'simil_9'))
userRatings3 = userRatings2.drop('number_ratings', 'ratings', 'common_ratings', 'common_1', 'common_2', 'common_3', 'common_4', 'common_5', 'common_6', 'common_7', 'common_8', 'common_9')
|    reviewerID|             simil|simil_1|           simil_2|            simil_3|simil_4|simil_5|           simil_6|           simil_7|            simil_8|            simil_9|nearest_user|
|A1WBGIL46NUFFU|2.4904821780308013|    0.0|               0.0| -1.138957039391365|    0.0|    0.0|               0.0|               0.0|                0.0|                0.0|           0|
|A3BZXCM7XQ7XHN|2.3978952727983707|    0.0|               0.0|                0.0|    0.0|    0.0|               0.0|               0.0|                0.0|                0.0|           0|
|A163XZU3HM4EHV| 2.302585092994046|    0.0|               0.0|                0.0|    0.0|    0.0|               0.0|               0.0|                0.0|                0.0|           0|
|A3OJ7P6FIV88E4|2.2553152042016666|    0.0|1.0986122886681098| 2.0666494875152077|    0.0|    0.0|               0.0|               0.0|                0.0|                0.0|           0|
|A34F4IHXZYZ7KS|2.2013280290078576|    0.0|               0.0|-0.2878231366242557|    0.0|    0.0|               0.0|               0.0|                0.0|                0.0|           0|
| A9FCO8RDJVABW| 2.158518984518651|    0.0|               0.0|-1.2039146892625188|    0.0|    0.0|0.3000809870099112|               0.0|0.19538707650830725|-0.6719098009605208|           0|
|A1XA4BJ23AVBT7|2.0794415416798357|    0.0|               0.0|                0.0|    0.0|    0.0|               0.0|1.2307016386105076|                0.0|                0.0|           0|
| ADR7NQOEU8OFL|2.0794415416798357|    0.0|               0.0|                0.0|    0.0|    0.0|               0.0|               0.0|                0.0|                0.0|           0|
|A3JEN29PPBLJ9P|2.0794415416798353|    0.0|               0.0|                0.0|    0.0|    0.0|               0.0|               0.0|                0.0|                0.0|           0|
|A103KWX1QFCG6I| 2.059031220704651|    0.0|               0.0|                0.0|    0.0|    0.0|               0.0|0.4479398673070139|                0.0|                0.0|           0|
only showing top 10 rows

We list for each of the 10 reference users, the percentage of users who have the most similarities with them.
Users with similarities with none of the 10 reference users were given the value -2 (a majority, due to the sparcity of the data), and the users with an equal similarities between multiple reference users were given the value -1 (a minority).

userRatings_comp = userRatings3.groupby("nearest_user").count()
userRatings_comp = userRatings_comp.withColumn("perct_count", round(col('count') / nb_reviewers, 3)) \
                                   .orderBy("perct_count", ascending=False)
|          -2| 7655|      0.753|
|           2|  445|      0.044|
|           3|  322|      0.032|
|           6|  286|      0.028|
|           7|  267|      0.026|
|           4|  256|      0.025|
|           9|  247|      0.024|
|           8|  231|      0.023|
|           1|  173|      0.017|
|           0|  163|      0.016|
|           5|   63|      0.006|
|          -1|   55|      0.005|

We will count the number of ratings each 10 reference users have with each users, in order to see if the most nearest_users are the ones who had the more ebooks in common with the users in general.

userRatings4 = userRatings2.select('reviewerID', 'common_ratings', 'common_1', 'common_2', 'common_3', 'common_4', 'common_5', 'common_6', 'common_7', 'common_8', 'common_9')
|              21007|        14322|        10989|        12755|         7947|         9245|         9311|         8579|         7838|         9271|

We see that the most “influential” users (users 2, 3 and 6) are not necessarily the ones with the higher number of common ratings with the other users (which are the users 0, 1 and 3).


This tutorial shows the principle of a recommender system. We set one on Pyspark. The chosen implementation is based on a similarity (a Pearson correlation coefficient) computed between a user and all the other ones. Based on this similarity score, we can compute a grade per ebook and then rank them and recommend the best ones.

The similarity scores and the grades computed for the ebooks open a large field of applications such as to compute clusters among users, to determine influencers, to determine relationships between the recommendations made and the facts that the ebooks are mainstreams or not, and many more. For a seller, it would be relevant to cross these possibilities with the characteristics of users on one side and even that of ebooks on the other.

You can see the complete code and project explanations on the associated GitHub repository.

Illustration photo by Skitterphoto from Pexels.

Xavier B.

Xavier B.

My name is Xavier. I love data science.
Feel free to contact me!